Sunday, June 8, 2014

Proof of What?

It seems that some Protestant faith churches in Arizona are in favor of equality for all in marriage.  They say that the bible texts need to be seen in context and proper translation.  So they use the Bible to support their position which is that gay people should have the right to get married.  The Catholic Church looks at the same text and says no, gay people have no right to marriage.  I suspect that with the bible, people have already made up their mind and then use the text to support it.  The Catholic hierarchy thinks that gay sex is wrong.  This is where the stand against gay marriage begins.  The Arizona Protestant coalition of churches thinks gay sex is OK.  I believe that the issue of "marriage" is not the real issue.  The real issue is that some people think gay persons to be not so equal to everyone else.  This is why gay people are fighting for the word "Marriage" in their legal unions.  They want equality.  It is the elephant in the room.


  1. What would Jesus say? Did He not tell us to love one another? He didn't say women love only men and men love only women. A few years ago we had to change some words in prayers because the hierarchy wanted to have the "correct" translation. Perhaps we need to revisit the words in the bible and look for the "correct" translation.

  2. What was the opinion of the Arizona Protestant church 40 years ago? or 100 years ago or 400 years ago? Has any prominent student of the bible in history come with a similar interpretation? In my opinion these churches are just bending to popular culture as amplified by the media.

  3. The issue of gay marriage to me is that the Catholic hierarchy is denying a segment of our population access to full participation in the Church's Sacraments. It is against the teachings of Christ to do so, in my mind. We were given the command to love. Love encompasses all aspects of life. Marriage is a holy walk through life. All citizens have the right to such.
