Saturday, January 24, 2015


The pope says that one can be a good Catholic without being like rabbits, as in lots of children.  I did not even have to wait to read this info on a website.  It was in the coffee house this morning.  See, people listen to the pope when he speaks their language and issues.  Now I am waiting for the Vatican spin doctors to say that the Pope did not really mean this or that, or even what he said.  If you spent your whole church career with one or two central issues, i.e. SEX, and the pope changes the agenda or the focus, you too would become a spin doctor.  Better to stick with the Gospel than get into culture wars over sex.


  1. Does God really care that much about sex? Doesn't he more care that we have families we treat well and children we grow into a kind loving next generation. The how and how not of creating those loved children seems to be "the devil in the details."

  2. Went to your talk this AM. The part about grown up confessions was great. My sins seems to be the same ones that pop up in therapy. Good luck or good preaching in Florida and Texas.

  3. Finally! We have a Pope that may actually go to heaven!
