Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Pray For Those Who Are A Trial

I pray for those who I find difficult, or who don't seem to like me, or are a bit nasty.  Why?  I don't want them to control my day.  Why should I walk around all day feeling anger and resentment because of the actions of another person?  So they become a source of spiritual growth for me, or moments of grace.  I pray, not that they will shape up.  That is my agenda and opinion.  I ask God that they receive the things I want for myself.  When I pray that people will have a better, fuller and deeper life free of addictive behavior, I find that I am less angry.  It is hard for me to be hateful when I pray this way for people.  They may not change, but usually I do, for the better, that day.


  1. I should read this particular blog everyday. Most of the time, I try let God work in me or through me. People seem to want me to relate to their personas or the personality that they strive to be . My business won't let me do that with them
