Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Princess

My sister Maureen was once the princess.  She was the only child.  All attention, all toys, all love was hers to have.  Then I came along.  "Sharing" became operative.  Maureen did not share.  I simply took.  I took space, attention and toys.  No wonder that the princess tries to get rid of the prince in fairy tales.  Recently my niece had her second child, three years younger than the princess, Juliette.  The new child was a boy, Jovon.  These two remind me of Maureen and myself.  Jovon takes toys, causes chaos in Juliette's space.  He takes up space and attention of parents.  Juliette no like.  Maureen no like.  Jovon and Terry are clueless.  Well, all this teaches me a lesson for today.  Sometimes I have everything the way I want it.  I have my own space, TV stations, chocolate, quiet and environmental control.  Then someone new comes along.  They don't know all these things are "mine."  They think they are to be shared, as in "ours."  I find myself channeling my sister Maureen.  I now understand her better.  We don't like people to bother us in our routines our sense of ownership.  I need the serenity prayer.

1 comment:

  1. Maureen homilies were always my favorite.
