Saturday, August 27, 2016


I wrote about transitions a few blogs ago.  I just returned to Boulder from my summer in the monastery and the light has gone on for me.  I am in some transition.  Boulder was seen for years as "home."  That is, when I went somewhere, Boulder seemed like the coming back home place.   No matter who lived there, it was my home.  The monastery, San Francisco and Vero Beach were home too, but Boulder seemed to be unique.  There are people in Boulder who I have known the longest.  My running buddies are here.  Now I realize that this has all been slowly changing over the last several years.  I just realized it now.  I do not live in my home.  I live in the house of someone else's home.  I have a room, but otherwise, all things around me have been changing with new people coming to live there.  From time to time, someone has offered for me to live in their home while I work here.  I never felt I wanted to do that.  I am experiencing it now.  I am not angry or disappointed.  Things change.  In some sense I have always been a "guest" in the house.  So I am in a transition, and will stay open to what it means and to where I may be led in the future.

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