Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Full Knowledge Maureen

Insouciantly, Maureen asked me, "Do you think you can be a priest?"  "I think so," I answered, a bit hesitant. "Do you know what you will be doing all day?" Maureen queried.  "Well, I will say mass and pray, and hear confessions on Saturday," I said.  "Yeah, well mass takes thirty minutes and your morning and evening prayers, which you often forget or are too lazy to say, take, at most an hour a day.  So that is an hour and a half.  What will you do the rest of the day?" she asked.  "I don't know," I said.  Maureen then pointed out all the reasons that would get in the way of me being a priest.  "You are lazy, thinking always about yourself, and you don't do what anyone asks until they nag or promise punishment if you don't do as you are told.  You whine when you don't get your own way."  I realized that she had a point or three.  She was not finished.  "Priests need to be kind, and self-sacrificing, and be good listeners.  That is not my little brother."  Saddened by this bold reality, I asked, "So maybe being a priest isn't for me?"  "Ask Mary for a miracle," was her reply.  Over the subsequent years, I have realized that most of my life and priest problems have to do with my shortcomings as Maureen seemed to so wisely know.  I did a lot of blaming, but much suffering was because of the way I "suffered injustice," being ignored, not getting my way, and so on, in my life.  If I had known all that the priesthood involved before I joined, and knew myself as Maureen did, I probably would not have chosen this path.  Maybe it is so for married persons as well.  Knowing too much can get in the way of making a good decision.  Fred Avis, the guy who married my big sis, did not know much at all.  And I did not tell him.  They had four good kids, so my point is well taken.  Ignorance can be a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. Maureen is your sister....Right???? O.K. does she also know that you have worked with all ages of people? Served on committees and fought justice issues your entire adult life? that you've taught amazing seminars on noted people in the Church and out of the Church as well? that you have helped offer and celebrat all Seven Sacraments? that you have welcomed hundreds, maybe thousands into the Church and helped to graciously accompanied--maybe hundreds and/or thousands on their way to enternity? Does she know that you have given yourself selfLESSLY to everyone you have met. That's the Fr. Terry Ryan that I know. I've worked with you in two states and watched you---sometimes on a daily basis--do what not only what is required as a priest but as a human being. You have shared your gifts, talents, knowledge, faith, Spirit and Spirituality with all who comes before you. And if a program you offer is not possible for someone to attend because a fee is required---you invite them to come anyway. I know-- I was one of them---also in two states. So I am moving to Boulder soon and I plan to follow up on Fr. Terry's schedule and do all I can to participate in his life by attending whatever time will allow me.
    O.K. Maureen all I have to say is: "She who is without sin ( or faults for that matter) can cast the first stone." I hope your critique since you said those words has been revised???? Boy, you sure did make me mad. I guess the ole' Irish is up today.
    Kathy Carey--- from Lonment and formerly San Francisco.....
