Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Fun To Trouble

I read a quote, "The only trouble with trouble is that it starts out as fun."  When I am not in a fit spiritual condition I have found this to be so.  My mind fools me to think that what I am doing is fine, or good, or sensible.  My will tells me that I am in control.  Hogwash!  I am most weak when I rely only on mind and will to decide what to do.  I so need some deeper relation to soul or spirit to get the truth about perils that could await me.  For instance, I could go to a party, or social gathering, and say that I will do only this and not that.  But if I have not faced my shortcomings and bad social habits that have wrecked me in the past, I will end up going from "fun to trouble."  If you have an eating disorder, or computer addiction, you think you will do just a "little" and it goes from fun to trouble.  I have found it so.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed!
    Mind, or Ego, or "False Self" is a deceiver.
    Soul, Spirit or True Self is the better Guide
