Saturday, July 6, 2019

Life Worth Living

Sobriety is more than not doing your addiction.  It is more than "NOT" doing something.  It is about getting a life worth being sober for.  I think this holds for anyone who thinks about a spiritual practice.  Some people get into some practice because they don't like the misery of the life they are living.  Whatever the practice, they begin to put move away from problematic situations such as a person, a job, unhealthy practices, drugs and alcohol.  But they do not work at putting something more life-giving into this vacated space, so that they will have a fuller, happier life.  So at the end of my day, when I examine the day, I say thank you for not doing bad stuff, like drinking.  But then I have to ask myself what did I do to add to the fullness of my life.  Am I making my life worth living?  Usually some service, some connection to others in a helpful fashion is part of the fuller life.  But some days it is taking a walk in the sun or reading a good book for the pleasure of it.  Is your life worth living for you?

1 comment:

  1. I find work rewarding, "prayer without works is worthless".
    And it keeps my mind off my hopeless self.
