Monday, August 12, 2019


Why blame Jesus for the way Christianity developed over the centuries?  As soon as I mention Jesus people get upset.  If I say Buddha or Krishna there is no getting upset.  Some even think that the world begins and ends on almost any spiritual founder but Jesus.  I think it is all about whatever your growing up experience is.  For me, Jesus is the Enlightened One for his followers.  He cannot help that many of them never got enlightened.  Jesus would fit well into today's spirituality of non-duality. The one prayer, simple as it is, that he taught his disciples, says to forgive others since we have been forgiven.  In other words we are all interconnected.  He says to seek and you will find.  Most of us seek stuff that is anything but enlightenment or awakening.  The receiving of the Holy Spirit is another way of saying we receive Enlightenment.  Many receive but are clueless about what to do, and meditation is rarely part of the picture.  I am sure that there are a few Buddhists and Hindus who are selfish, self-centered, egotistical and hypocritical, just like Christians.  But why blame the Founders for the followers?  I don't even think they would consider themselves founders of anything but a wisdom, a vision, a way of life, that is rarely understood much less practiced.

1 comment:

  1. Do people get upset because Jesus represents more than a religion, he is ingrained into their upbringing as something that can't be challenged or changed? He is the way. Most children I've met live in a world of duality - yes/no; black/white; good/bad; the right way/the wrong way. If you challenge childhood learnings, then you are challenging the foundations of our culturalization. For most of us - no matter what branch of Christianity - Jesus is the root source.
