Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Very often, before a person decides to kill themselves, they have isolated.  Isolation is a door to suicide.  Either you think no one cares, or you think that someone cares, but would be better off without you.  Suicide loses its force as a solution to misery, if you know that someone needs you, and will be much better off if you stay around, even as the loser you think yourself to be.  You being something to them counters your belief that you are no good for anyone.  This means that the world, your world, would not be better off with you dead.  For me, I have found that people from time to time tell me how important I am to them or their community.  There was a time when I did feel isolated, so long ago, but that has stayed long ago.  I must have done something right because I do feel needed in the life of others.  I think it comes from trying to be helpful, or to answering successfully the question in my life, "Why am I here?"  I think that it includes being here for others, though not needing to be the center of attention.  Think about that as a spiritual journey for yourself when you have that "cut off" feeling of isolation.

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