Tuesday, October 15, 2019


In the movie, “Judy” there is a line where Judy says, “For one hour a day, I am Judy Garland.  The rest of the time I am a mother with a family that wants what is best for her children.”  In other words, treat me like a person and not like a super star you admire or adulate.  She was quite stressed with the dual role of being Judy Garland and being ordinary.  I have found that a bit in my own life.  I cannot be Terry Ryan to the people who know me from my teaching and church.  I will always be “Father” with all that goes into their ideas of Priest.  Believe me, it is not always praise and adulation.  But I just want to be me, a person, without a title sometimes, and so I find people who don’t care that I am this or that.  They treat me just like anyone else in the room.  It is nice to be able to fit in to the ordinary.  I am fine with being a priest and its role, but have found a need to be just ordinary flawed me and be called, ‘Friend.”  It is OK if my blog readers worship me! 😃

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