Friday, December 13, 2019


Often I feel anonymous.  When I live in Boulder, Colorado I think that most of the people around my church don’t know who I am.  It is OK, but now and again I get a surprise from one of the parishioners.  They will pass me and say, “Hello, Fr. Terry.”  Then they will say something about me or something I said that only a blog reader would know.  I ask, “Are you one of my fans?”  “Yes, I read your blog,” they say.  As I walk on, I realize that in the anonymity of writing my blogs and Facebooking my blogs, people around me are reading what I write.  And they are positively affected. It makes for a better life for them.  So think about just doing the best you can with whatever your talent or interest is, and don’t worry about anonymity.  You may be affecting someone you don’t even know is out there, and in a positive way.  You do your best and it spreads to others to do their best.  Some power makes this happen.  Not to worry.  Just do the action.  Of course, on those days when I get hardly any “likes” or “hearts” emoji stuff, I think it is time for silence in the hermitage.

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