Wednesday, December 18, 2019


I was talking to the Grandmother/Godmother of a young woman who took her life.  Grandma said, “I know she is in heaven because she was such a good girl.  Suicide is not right, but I know she is with God.” What Grandma is focused on is how her granddaughter lived rather than how she died.  So often I hear people ask me, “How did so and so die?”  Rarely do they ask, “How did so and so live?” I tend toward belief in a God and an afterlife.  I believe that we continue to live beyond death as we lived during this life in the flesh.  If we are loving, compassionate, considerate, kind and thoughtful of others then I believe all this goes with us into a good interaction with the Cosmic God of All.  It may be befuddling, but I find that more often than not, the persons in my life who commit suicide were rather good and loving persons.  Though there was something that they could not overcome, they were loving people more frequently than many other people.  When I was growing up only bad people took their life.  I have not found it so as an adult.   But I know only a little on my spiritual path.


  1. Thank you, Father Ryan. I needed this today more than you know. Not only for those who take their own life but for those who were called home before I was ready. With love and gratitude to you.
