Thursday, November 26, 2020


 Well, Happy Thanksgiving to all those who are celebrating our USA Thanksgiving.  Though this Thanksgiving Day may be quite different for many of us in Coronavirus times, I hope for gratitude and being of service is part of my day.  Instead of getting together with my California Sister, Jane and her family, I am celebrating with the monks of the monastery where I am now staying.  Since it is my first Thanksgiving dinner with them I await their customs and food.  I will help, maybe in baking some bread which would be minor, given turkey and all the trimmings.  I hope that I don't compare and  contrast with my sister's cooking, but rather enjoy the newness of what is before me.  Expand my Thanksgiving horizons is my plan for the day.  I try to celebrate what I have and not what I do not have.  Be sober.  Be healthy.  


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Father Ryan. :) I have nothing but gratitude for all that you share, teach and lead by example - thank you doesn't quite cover it, but I thank you regardless. Lots of love heading your way across the miles.

  2. Thank you Father Terry for your blog and ministry! Have a wonderful day. Perhaps the monks have a tradition of chocolate cake at Thanksgiving???

  3. I give gratitude and thankfulness everyday for every little path in my journey that makes its a memorable one I cherish every breath that i draw for it could by my last one as they say you are only a breath away
    Have a fab and awesome week
