Thursday, December 29, 2022


 I often talk about letting go of ego, as if something called "Ego" really exists.  The ego is all about wants.  And wants are all about dualism.  There is me, the ego, and that which I want to make me happy, so I think.  What if the wants disappeared?  If we, for a moment had no wants, or any sense of a separate self, over against all else?  This is what one might glimpse for a moment now and again in deep meditation, contemplation.  It is a simple awareness.  It is not an "Aha, now I got it!"  The "It" would be dualism.  Now and again it happens to me.  It is after this moment I realize that the ego is not real.  It is the invention of wants.  That is why a simple life, or "voluntary poverty" of stuff, is often recommended.  But even having stuff is OK as long as you don't believe it will make you happy, at peace, content.  Love works best when we don't try to possess, control the "other."  Then there can be the seemingly magical moments of being one with someone not you.  Or are they you?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Father Terry, for your blog and sharing... Love!
