Thursday, August 16, 2018


I posted two pictures recently of me with a big dog, named Jack.  I was on a couch watching a movie.  Jack was beside me watching too.  Good movie for dogs and people.  Now I don't get a lot of hits for my blogs, but boy I got a lot of FB hits for Jack and me on the couch.  I guess people like dog pictures more than my blogs and that is OK.  I am trying to accept being not so important, and Jack helps me in this.  You see, I am not special to Jack.  He likes everyone.  But this is key for me.  I don't need someone or some dog to like me special over and above anyone else.  I just like being liked by Jack and people.  Let's stop trying to find people who like us so that we will feel special, unique.  It appeals to self-importance, and soon bondage to self, and self-centeredness.  I am just glad that anyone likes me, including dogs.  A good day for me is when I don't have to be special.  This blog isn't very special is it!  Oh well, there is always Jack.  He cannot read, but he does like mystery movies.

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