Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Weaver

I learned about the weaver bird’s wisdom.  It builds its nest upside down to hang off of very thin branches.  One nest per branch.  To get to the op[ening of the nest the weaver has to come up underneath to feed the young.  Why, you ask?  Predators.  Squirrels and snakes cannot get a grip on the thin branch and are too heavy, so they simple fall to the ground.  The weaver neither fights nor flights from danger, but rather figures out how to live in some harmony with those who might otherwise do it harm for their own food desires, the weaver eggs in the nest.  What to learn?  Instead of fight or flight when we perceive danger or opposition, there might also be a chance for “flow.”  How can you flow with those around you so you can all live together given everyone’s seeming separate needs.  The weaver is not close buddies with the snake and the squirrel, but the bird has found a way to survive and live in the same community as these other animals.  Smart bird.

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