Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Elements

 In this monastery I live close to the elements of nature.  I simply walk out any of our doors and the mountains, fields are right here.  I don’t have to go to a park or more rural area to be in the midst of nature.  I suspect this is one reason so many people plant gardens, and trees around their home when they move in.  It is one of things that helped me to get a sense of being “home” when we moved into our first house and out of the apartment in the Bronx.  The house was a strange place at first and for some time, but it had 5 birch trees in our front yard and a garden in the backyard.  There were rose bushes in the backyard.  We had a lawn in the days when water was plentiful.  I like the monastery for we have our own rose bushes planted by some monk from a long past.  Nature helps a praying life.  It calms and centers one.  

1 comment:

  1. There is a certain peace for me that comes from living in the mountains with our natural landscape. I'm grateful that when the wildflowers bloom or when the owls come to sing at odd hours in the trees. I feel at home and safe, despite the bears or random moose sharing the space. It's a lovely space to connect and turn it over. Enjoy the roses for me!
