Monday, August 15, 2022


 Today, in the Catholic Church, it is the Feast of the Assumption.  What is that all about?  Jesus mother dies and is assumed into heaven body and soul.  OK.  You role your eyes and say Catholics are weird.  Yes, if you merely dwell in facts and not meaning or the underlying point of it.  Which is what?  That the body, flesh, creation, things, are all holy, and in union with the One.  But we usually only see and live “separation.”  Mary, for instance, did not live her life in separation from the One, Creator, Life, Love.  She gave her all and not much was written abut her.  Why not?  Because when you give all, you may not be much noticed by those who wrote history.  Or you might be noticed, but avoided  or ignored, as in dying on a cross.  But when you give all in Love, you are most united in spirit to body.  The more perfect the love, the less likely to be any separation between your insides and outsides.  A divided life is an unfulfilled one.  

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