Wednesday, August 24, 2022


We can do good works, but they are not always fruitful.  I can be of service to others and yes, they are helped, but I remain fruitless, because I do the good deed without any joy, gratitude and thanksgiving.  I am doing good while being resentful and judgmental of the very situation and people are am supposed to be helping.  So I remind myself, early in the day, to be grateful that I have the health and sanity to do any good for others.  Then I am grateful and can act with joy.  There were times passed, when I could do little good for myself, yet was self-focused in a narrow sense.  I was in need of help.  Someones gave it to me.  They said they were grateful for the chance and they seemed joyful about giving time and energy to me.  I try to be and do likewise.  Makes for a fruitful life.  


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