Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Just Pray

 If you want to pray then just pray.  Some people say they are too busy or they have not found the right teacher, the right method, the right place.  But in fact, they do not want to pray because the obstruction is none of the above. It is themselves.  They are imprisoned by a Self that does not want to simply be with itself.  They think that if they leave the “world” and find a structure that will teach and guide them, then they will pray.  Run off to a monastery, retreat center, house of prayer.  Most of these structures, if they are not being renewed, obstruct, rather than instruct.  The structure becomes the obstacle in that it does not challenge or direct you to be with yourself, doing nothing, but praying.  A good structure is one that is person oriented, not structure oriented.  A person must learn to trust praying as themself, and if they do that, with some initiating structure, they will makes mistakes, but will find their truer self, who is the only one who can truly connect with Ultimate Reality indwelling.  


  1. A wise friend of mine once drew a box on a flip chart and pointed to the middle of it then said, God doesn't live there. ❤️ I have never forgotten that visual and know that God can be found everywhere. I am forever grateful. 🙏 Thank you Father Ryan, your light shines brighter than you may realize.

  2. How true pray in the morning. Pray when you get in the car. Pray on your way to work,school,church,Gramas house.
    God is with you always reach out and speak to him
