Monday, January 9, 2023

Sticks And Logs

 Sometimes my prayer is like sticks in a fireplace.  Such prayer burns bright and easily, like sticks to a flame, but soon that light and warmth go out.  It is a prayer that is lit by emotions and imagination.  It won’t sustain for long.  Deeper prayer that sustains me, is like logs in a fire.  It takes times and patience to allow those logs to catch.  The imagination and emotions help, but only for starters.  Such prayer starters burns away easily if I let go of a focus on them.  The deeper prayer takes a bit of time and hope.  But when it catches in my soul it will burn bright in the darkness and give me warmth to carry me hours through the day.  

1 comment:

  1. I love this visual, it speaks to my heart. Thank you, Father Ryan. :)
