Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Bottom

 The bottom of your disaster/bad habit, whatever it might be, is not to be compared with the bottom of someone else’s disaster.  Otherwise, you compare and contrast and the convince yourself, “Well, I am not so bad,” and do nothing.  If this is so, you will hit a lower bottom because your activity has become habitual.  So whatever your bottom is, it’s one that got you to finally do something about your life so that you don’t get worse.  If down the road of positive action to renew or recover a better life, you look at the past and say, “I don’t want to go back there ever again,” then you are using the past in a positive way to keep on the better road you are on now.  Look ahead but don’t forget.  It keeps us humble.  

1 comment:

  1. Love this, thank you Father Ryan 🤗💕
