Monday, February 10, 2025

Missing The Mark

 When we get obsessed with the struggle for temporal existence, we can become complacent about spiritual growth.  Our religion becomes one of materialism, security and good health.  So ask yourself what you do pray for?  What is primary?  For Christians, recall that your savior did not come into the world in a nice home or with a nice bank account.  His health was in danger as the local potentate wanted to kill this little baby.  For those in recovery from addiction, is your first prayer in the morning, assuming you pray at all, gratitude that you woke up and are sober, in your own bed?  I try to start my morning with thanksgiving and then be open to my God’s will for me, and that I not get in the way.  


  1. Love this! And yes, it either thank for another day of sobriety or to please direct my thinking, but they are both in my heart before my feet touch the floor. 💕

  2. amen especially today
