Saturday, February 8, 2025


 When people first enter a recovery program, they initially feel they are nothing.  They have lost so much and their life is a mess.  Then they get a sponsor who walks them or drags them through the 12 steps, gets them to be of service at meetings, and to feel better about themself.  They begin to feel important and this is good for sobriety.  But recovery programs are more than sobriety. It is about transformation.  A complete change from deep within our innards.  To get moving into this deeper dimension we must let go of our sense of importance.  Realize that in fact we are not all that important.  Most of our resentments have to do with others making us feel unimportant, not central to the world or them.  They are doing us a favor.  We really are not that important.  Why is this good to accept?  So that one can begin to see that the Higher Power simply loves them.  It is totally unearned.  The ego wants to be loved for its good deeds, righteous way of life, keeping all the rules.  So shallow.  I am unimportant and God loves me because that is who God is. Love.  You can ignore me.  Oops!  Does this mean you will ignore my blogs???  Well, I guess I have a way to go.  


  1. Haha! Nope, I won't be taking your amazing blogs out of my morning routine. I love them and love you! ❤️

  2. have great insight and humility..earned I am sure

  3. Blog on Father Ryan

  4. Yes. i am sti working on that.
