Thursday, February 6, 2025

Whose Itinerary?

 When people begin to pray, and meditate, they tend to want a payoff, as in good feelings, concepts, and images in their imagination.  But this is like getting off to a good start in a foot race.  The start is not the race, but only the beginning.  If we will only pray when we get a good start then we are full of self and ego.  If you keep on with the prayer, you have to let go of the need for the good stuff at the beginning.  Why?  So that you can let go of self and allow God, your Higher Power, to show up on God’s terms and not yours.  God’s terms might include feelings of boredom, a sense that nothing is happening.  This is the ego whining about not getting what it wants.  Transformation means that you have to stop being your own center.  So how do you know all this is working, this non-feeling prayer? Your life begins to really change for the better.  


  1. Love this and it's so true! (It's just not the instant gratification my ego wants and that is okay. 💖)
