Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Andrea Carlo Ferrari

He was the Bishop of Milan, and died in 1921.  He was very much like Jorge Broglio, Francis I.  He was considered to be Pope material but he did not get elected in 1903.  Instead, Pius X got elected.  Pius was against the modern world and its new thinking.  Ferrari was not.  Their relationship cooled.  Pius got canonized, while Ferrari had to wait until 1987 to even become "Blessed."  Such is the politics of it all.  There but for Ferrari, I grew up in a fear based, medieval church, that did not care much to embrace the 20th century.  Saint John XXIII tried to open the windows of a stuffy church, but there were many Pius X types who tried to close it after he died.  I am enjoying Francis I, surrounded by so many anti-modernists.  There was a time when "pure" church meant you were ready to die for what you believed.  It got watered down to out of date rules, pomp and a good ole boys club.  The Holy Spirit is still at work though.  Keep the faith.


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