Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Golden Oldies

One of the enjoyable things about living in Vero Beach, Florida is that I get to hear the FM radio station, "Ocean."  It has tunes from my youth and into my twenties.  I listen in my car radio.  I never get tired of these songs.  I understand the words.  Last night the Grammy music award show was on TV.  I did not watch.  Will these current winning songs be played in fifty years on a Florida radio station for the retired?  I suppose so.  I can accept, work with, and understand the modern world as I find it.  I have my smart phone and computer and super stop watch.  But the music left me behind.  I don't long for the old days of religion or anything else.  They are past.  But music...I am a guy of the 50s and 60s and some of the 70s.  After that, the music world left me behind.  "Ocean" makes it all current again.  A sign I should stay in Vero Beach?  Say it isn't so.


  1. We have golden oldie stations in San Francisco - KYA 1260 - nothing better than singing along to the radio in the California sunshine!

    1. I will see if it comes in on my radio among all those tall buildings downtown San Francisco. I suspect AM is caput where I live in SF

  2. Replies
    1. Oh good. I was worried. It is 30+ degrees here with north wind. it is 60 in Boulder, Colorado. I thought I was escaping winter!

  3. Maybe too much of a good thing needs to be balanced with some clear mountain air.

  4. Do you like to tease us....
