Saturday, February 7, 2015

Repeats OK

I said in an earlier blog that I am shallow with only a few things to say.  I get out of town before people realize I am repeating myself.  Then I got to thinking, maybe I ought to hang around more.  I had a running coach who said the same few things over and over again, but we never tired of him.  Why?  Because we did not listen well enough to put what he said into action.  We made the same mistakes time and time again.  Is this not like sin?  So for those who hear but do not act or understand, I will repeat myself and stay around more.


  1. I think it would be great if you would "stay around more - in San Francisco!"

  2. I thought you meant Boulder.

  3. I think he is in sunny and warmer Florida!

  4. Obviously you should let your followers know where you are at any given time. I know I'd try to come see you if I knew you were in my town.

  5. I hope you meant Boulder.
