Monday, January 28, 2019

35 Years Ago

If you think I am a wonderful and holy priest, than don't read on.  It will crush your image of me.  But for those who are a bit battered, imperfect, struggling, or addicted you can continue to read.  Thirty five years ago today, January 28, 1984, I came to in the morning with a hangover and an urge to commit suicide. I was alone in the house. I was scared.  I did not want to die, but I did not want to be in this body.  Fortunately, God gave me a gift at that morning moment: desperation.  I picked up the telephone and dialed AA. After that,  I contacted a friend who came over, and without judgment ( I guess she had already figured out I was a mess, but worth saving) she stayed with me to get me through the morning.  She called another person and he got me through the afternoon, no judgment.  Then I had the evening mass.  I was a bit shaky to say the least and gave a bad sermon, but it was short.  Then I had to go to a party of couples who run our marriage prep program.  They drank a little, but my morning friend was with me and I did not drink.  I stayed in the background.  I slept well that night.  The desire to kill myself had passed and it has not come back.  I never got drunk again.  In fits and starts, and a beer in Vienna, Austria, I got on a spiritual path that has kept me sober.  I had been on a spiritual path, but it did not keep me sober.  The gift of desperation, humility, honesty, and some service to other desperate people has helped.  I am good with people who are a mess.  I am lost with people who are holy, perfect, and seem to have no problems.  Maybe they are more like me, but hide it.  Anyhow, this is a good day for me.  I guess now I will have fewer readers.  I am writing this late in the afternoon, mostly for myself.  Life is good, but I have to work at it on a daily basis.


  1. Happy birthday �� I am thankful for you and having your blog as part of my new "journey" that started 18 months ago.

  2. Congratulations Father Terry! So appreciate you, your blog, and your service.

  3. I just want to get and be better and you show me how. Not sure about those other priests.

  4. We should talk, I'm a "maintenance" guy, I struggle from time to time, but books like"Lit" by Mary Kar help me
    Thank you for sharing. God bless!
