Friday, January 4, 2019


I had the PDT dermatology treatment this afternoon.  While washing my face the scab from the MOHS surgery from three weeks ago fell off.  Boy is that one ugly wound and PDT did not help make it less ugly.  Anyhow, they get all the moisture off your face with some cream that stings for a while, but this is just the warmup.  Then you get 10 minutes of bright light on either side of the face.  I said a rosary on my fingers to not think about the sting of the intense light frying away bad skin and maybe some not so bad skin.  Who knows.  Now I am home and not supposed to be in any bright light including bright reading lamps, sunlight, windows with light from outdoors, for 48 hours.  I guess a lot of Netflix.  Anyhow, the instructions say to use a lot of moisturizer, but I got only small sample bottles in my take home kit.  Not supposed to go out so how does one buy the stuff in the next few days.  I had to wrap up my face in a scarf and brim hat when I left the doctor’s office.  So I will use up the moisturizers I have and then agony, I don’t know.  More rosaries I see in the next few days.  So if I will look like a beast, I at least hope to be a holy beast.


  1. You are a very holy priest. Continue to heal

  2. I'm only 10 min away; please let if you need moisturizer or anything!
    God give you peace.
