Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Empty The Lungs

Why do we sing or chant in plainsong in the monastery?  The reason that most people would give, is that we are singing to praise God.  But we could say words and praise God.   We could sit in silence and solitude and praise God for that matter.  Or just do manual labor and offer it up to praise God.  The main reason that we sing is to empty out our lungs of air.  This is why we sing in the manner we do, and at 8,000 feet altitude.  Literally, we are emptying ourselves out to be open to take in the breath of the Holy Spirit as we call our God.  It is hard to be open and receptive to receiving anything if we are all full up.  If your hands and arms are full, you cannot receive a gift.  So we are practicing emptiness which is a big thing in Buddhism, and they do a lot of chanting.  I am getting better at chanting as I learn how to fill up my diaphragm and then send what air is there through my lungs to belt out the words.  I am moving along into this emptiness thing from formerly "dreadful" to now mediocre.  One day at a time.  So you church-goers, why are you sitting there mute in your pews?  

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