Sunday, September 20, 2020


We think of martyrdom as giving up your life for something you believe in.  But sometimes we can be called "martyrs" in a put-down way because of how we are whining about things not being fair, or not getting our way, or punishing oneself for the meanness of others.  "He/She is such a martyr" when in fact our behavior is quite infantile.  Now there is a way in the spiritual life that we are martyrs.  One important way if when we give up something that we have, to be faithful to a spiritual growth goal.  We might give up time, TV, internet, an in-thing event, sleep, because we want to devote ourselves to a practice of mediation, reading, or being of service to someone else who might need some help.  If we are balanced about our practice we will not be whining or complaining.  When I complain or moan about getting up at 4:00 AM for Vigils prayer at the monastery, I know that something needs attention.  Maybe I need to go to bed earlier at night, or maybe  need to rest a bit more doing the day and not stay so busy.  Time management needs attention if one is to be faithful to prayer times here at the monastery.  How about in your life?  

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