Monday, September 21, 2020


I think of the people who read my blog as "proselytes."  The root of this word is "one who has approached."  That is, I write the blog, but I don't try to get anyone to read it.  I don't go out to recruit blog readers or tell people that they will go to hell if they don't read my blog.  That is, the blog itself attracts.  It does not promote.  You approach and read.  AA operates on the same basis.  A lot of religious denominations or organizations would do well, I think, if they would operate on the same basis.  Many people leave such organizations because they do not see in the members anything that is very attractive or compelling.  Guilt and shame won't attract.  Anyhow, here is another blog.  And I hope these blogs help you to become a more attractive person t those who seek goodness in this world.  


  1. Good Morning Father
    Radiating unconditional love without any expectation
    Only goodness and peace
    Have a fab day
