Saturday, July 17, 2021


 Have you ever been in a relationship that came to an end for one reason or another, and then you did not see the person for a long time?  My fantasy or hope, is that when I see them again, I would say, "Do you remember me?"  And they, instead of saying, "No," or "Vaguely," or "Not really," would say, "You are a little hard to forget."  I don't want to be forgotten, but I live in a monastery, and that is not good for being remembered.  In a monastery, I am even supposed to forget myself, which has not yet happened.  In a few days I am going to Boulder, Colorado to teach.  50 people used to show up in the past, but my fear is that it will be me, the wonderful women who make the coffee and treats, and maybe 10 people.  Father Forgotten.  Now if my ego were not fragile, I might be OK with this.  If I were a spiritual giant I would be detached from fame and fortune.  But the good news is that those ten people are going to get a really good talk, from the heart.  Then I will go back to the monastery and oblivion.  But God is full of surprises, and so maybe someone will say, "You are a little hard to forget."  Maybe God is saying it right now!