Friday, September 17, 2021

Feelings And Actions

When I am feeling abandoned, lonely, fearful, and troubled by life, I think to myself that I cannot be helpful to anyone or anything at that moment.  My life of messy feelings paralyze me.  But someone said that feeling do not lie within our power.  They just arise.  What does lie within our power is action, virtuous conduct.  Why wait for feelings to catch up or change before I act?  Why be controlled by undisciplined feelings?  What is suggested is to be content with discontent.  I like that.  It helps me to do some good things even though I am feeling some discontent when I begin the virtuous action.  I try to be of some service even when I don't want to be and I find an amazing thing so often happens.  I begin to feel better.  I don't act to feel better.  I try to act in a loving and helpful, compassionate manner because it is the right thing to do, the virtuous action.  If all my energy to do good came from good feelings I would be unreliable and inconsistent, and a messier person than I am now.  Sometimes I write my blogs when I am having a messy patch.  I have a lot of imperfect followers on the blog.  They get it.   

1 comment:

  1. We get it and we love you, don't forget that part!
