Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Not Results

Do I write my blogs hoping for results?  I hope not.  I try to do the best I can in hope that what I am doing is worth the effort, that it is valuable, especially to me.  Is what I do truth?  If so, then it is valuable to me.  It ought not to matter how many people read it or say they like it.  I never know those numbers and it is just as well.  I believe that creation is valuable even if the results don't seem to be apparent.  When I teach on zoom, I don't worry about the number of people who tune in.  That is not under my control.  So I suggest that maybe you don't focus on results, of which you may have little control.  I think of it as "Life on Life's Terms."   


  1. In my life, you plant seeds everyday and I imagine gardens are blooming across the world. I love all of the different colors your blog brings to fruition. Thank you!

  2. I was taught that we are responsible for the effort not the results. This helps me to keep my pride in check. Thank you.
