Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Being Someone Else

 Did you ever want to be “like someone else” in choosing or envying a behavior, a way of life, a career?  I did.  I wanted to pry this other person open to find the happiness in them that I did not have.  I assumed they were happy.  Happiness was a commodity out there in the world and they had it.  I did not.  Eventually, I found out that I was not made to be anyone else but my true self.  Happiness was within me, but only if I could discover my unique and best self, each day.  It is a daily rediscovery, because it is so easy to get off my path and onto someone else’s.  Beware of practicing being happy on the outside.  That drink you did not need?  That is happiness practice on the outsides.  I don’t want my day to be a daily acting school, playing the part of someone else I might admire or fantasize as happy.  Morning meditation, midday interior check ups, help me to enjoy being me.  


  1. I love this and couldn't agree more! :)

  2. Be yourself. Everyone else is taken
