Thursday, June 23, 2022

Second Opinion

 Disaster!  I was making my first "from scratch" cream sauce for a pasta.  The pasta was cooked just right.  The cream sauce recipe came out just right.  To die for.  I lifted up the pan filled with the cooked pasta swimming in the cream sauce and laid the pan on the edge of the sink, while I held it.  As the monks walked in for their lunch, the pan tipped over and everything fell on the floor.  I shouted,"Oh no!"  Thank God I did not shout worse, this being a monastery.  No lunch for the monks, except for a salad and the fresh baked pumpernickel bread still warm from the oven.  The solution?  I have to kill myself.  My life is in ruins.  I messed up badly.  And I was angry that the monks would not get to taste this sauce I made.  One of the monks, particularly starving looked at the dinner on the kitchen floor and said, "Oh we can eat that."  But saner heads prevailed.  Then as I was wet mopping the entire kitchen floor including the greasy spots from the splattered dinner, one of the monks walked in and said to me, "Detach."  A second opinion to killing myself.  It seemed the wiser course.  This is why I like recovery program processes.  People get a second opinion to their insanity.  Has anyone got disaster cooking stories out there?  I don't want to feel alone.  


  1. I love that you were told to detach, I will keep that in mind for my next disaster! Acceptance works for me too, go figure! I've got many stories but one stands out. My son asked for pancakes and I had just enough time in between my meetings. Dropped all of the batter on the floor. We just stared at it and his eyes got teary. Next thing you know I had it cleaned up, more made, cooked them and made it to my meeting only a few minutes late. I know I wasn't the one who took over that morning and came up with the first mini-pancakes around our house. (They cook faster and were a huge hit!) God can work in mysterious ways and I'm so very grateful. I can't wait to hear how your sauce is received when you make it again and your breads always sound mouth watering!

  2. Long ago I was given an oven mitt & apron for BBQ’g that says “Burnt by dad”….

  3. At a thanksgiving family feast many years ago, grandpa presented the turkey to the beautiful family and uncle Bill popped the cork on a bottle of champagne which exploded into grandma’s glass chandelier and showered the table with tiny glass shards…baloney sandwiches

    1. When I first started making multi-tier wedding cakes, I transported a cake fully-assembled, driving it in the back of my SUV. I used a single wooden dowel to secure all the tiers together. I asked my kids to sit next to the cake and keep an eye on it as I drove to the wedding site.

      Little did I know that having a single dowel brings disaster. As I made turns on a winding mountain road, the cakes spun around that single dowel. A small hole became larger and larger, nearly slicing the cake in half.

      I was able to stick the pieces together but the design was ruined. I delivered the cake and refunded their money.

      I learned that the standard is a minimum of three dowels IF the cake must be transported assembled. From then on I only assembled my cakes on-site.
