Tuesday, October 18, 2022


Jus because we make mistakes does not mean that we are mistakes.  If someone says,"You are nothing but a screw up," or "You are nothing but a drunk," well, you are more than that.  When we mess up, we don't become a mess.  Rather we hide our good qualities, even from ourself.  If someone says, "You are no good," this is not true.  You are no good in one area, but good in some other areas.  I was "no good" at drinking, or running fast for that matter.  But I could run slowly for a long time, which is "long distance running."  So I don't drink nor try to run fast.  I could not hit the curve ball in baseball either, but I won't kill myself over it.  Let us accept that we are human beings, not gods.  We have shortcomings and gifts.  Growth is when we recognize both.