Monday, November 20, 2023


 Generally, when young people, say up into college age, pursue religion, they are interested in “belief” as in items of dogma.  They seem to be less interested in the meditative aspect of a religion that might build a relationship with the Divine.  In recovery programs you might find many people who don’t believe in a God, as an item, a thing, but they are interested in meditation.  So in a religion “class”  for young people, the focus is on whether something is true or not, e.g. Virgin Birth.  Students want to know that they have chosen the correct religion.  If they cannot buy into the facts, the dogmatic items, then they leave.  Eventually, the knocks of life might bring them back to look for something to feed their heart.  Dogma did not do that when they were younger, and they did not know the emptiness of heart that can come with time.  

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