Sunday, September 22, 2024

Ignore The Message

 Many a Christian tends to focus on Jesus as divine, but seem to ignore what he said.  He never really focused on a belief in his divinity.  Rather he gave the sermon on the mount and said, “Follow me.”  Rather convenient if you don’t much care to follow Jesus, being he talked about being the servant of all, the first shall be last, forgive all the time, sell all you have and so forth.  Even my Church had a time when it was a mortal sin to skip mass on Sunday, but never a mortal sin to skip following Jesus as in the Sermon on the Mount.  This made the pursuit of power and riches, as in kings and queens, emperors all that more convenient.  So I tend to recommend spiritual programs that emphasize service, selflessness, surrender to the power and trying to do what Jesus said.  “Come and follow me.”