Saturday, September 28, 2024

Moving On

 Many people wait until I am about to move on from where I live, and minister, to tell me nice things about myself, my importance in their life, how helpful I have been.  Why they wait I do not know.  The Monastery in the Snowmass Mountains will not be my home, but rather a place I will come to visit from time to time, while it is still here as a monastery.  It has not been sold as of now.  In moving  I have been downsizing my “stuff” and things in my life that are so convenient but weigh me down.  I gave away a lot of things to the local people.  When I get to Boulder I am going to do a lot of downsizing there too.  No one ever said they liked me or what I did for them because of all my stuff.  So I want to live more simply.  As I age, I need less.  I probably needed less before I aged, but that is another story.  I will take all the complements with me.  They fill up my heart better than my shopped stuff.  


  1. I've not known where to write you since you spoke of the move due to the pending sale, I still hope to find out how to mail things to you! Until then, I hope little notes or emojis, in your blog and perhaps the massive scarf you sometimes use(d?) for prayers are reminders of how very much you mean to me, no matter where you are! You're very loved! 🤗💕

  2. Can’t wait to have you back in Boulder!!!!

  3. It will be great to have you in Boulder!!!!

  4. The Essence of Spirituality is Simplicity.

  5. Where will you be in boulder Fr Terry

  6. Well, it has been a long time, but I would be glad to have you back in Houston and I know I am not the only one.
