Tuesday, August 3, 2010

In Matthew 14: 25-31 Peter walks on water, for a moment or so. When the disciples saw jesus walking on water, they were terrified. This is the attitude of much religion around Jesus' time. Numinous, holy, divine presence was to be feared and God is to be kept at arms length. Peter seeks to bridge to a new way of being in the Presence, a bit more intimate. He wants to come to Jesus, to join him. Jesus says, "Come." This is a new way for the Holy to be acting towards us. No longer found on some mountain top or in a desert, or in the sky, God is now close and inviting. Our spiritual senses are evolving. But Peter returns to the fear mode while he is on the water. It sinks him.
Is faith in God filled with fear, and avoidance? Or do we "come" when we find the Holy in seemingly unlikely places?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your thoughts and writings. Your perspective and reminders often provide very good "visuals" for me,(I particularly find strength in Peter's walking on water)and help me start my day in a spiritual way. I look to read them every morning. Thank you and have a good day!
