Friday, November 22, 2024

Me First

 The first person I need to love when I wake up is me.  If I don’t love me, I will trash my day and the day of others.  The first thing I do is say a prayer of gratitude for the day.  Often I am reminded of something to do that is good for me.  I give no space in my mind to, “I don’t feel like doing that,” or “I don’t need to do that,” when I know it is really good for me.  To start out on the wrong foot is to begin to give space to guilt and shame that can come along later.  Then the day will go downhill rather quickly.  I try to do good things for myself early after getting up.  I stretch a little.  Make my bed so my room does not have that trashed look.  Then get the newspaper for the house from outside our front door, four flights down the stairs.  Then coffee and fill up my water bottle.  Put out my blog for the people who still read it.  Then uplifting reading, a little, and meditation.  Then I can be of service to others.  


  1. I love this, and how you start your day in Love! Thanks for sharing this with us and for continuing your incredible blog. So very thankful for the light you share each day, happy Friday! 🥰

  2. You wake up to early. Thanks for the encouraging words.

  3. Thank you for this reminder!! It truly does make a difference... and good to remember too that it not only helps us but also others.
