Friday, May 6, 2022

Filling Up The Empty

 Why would you not want to pay attention to your mind, your thoughts, in mediation?  I do this so as to allow the mind to be drained of anxiety, fear, resentment, blame and shame, to name a few thoughts and emotions.  When I sit in the silence and ignore my thoughts, it seems as if a drain pipe is opened and thoughts get flushed away.  Then what?  Then the emptiness can be filled with love.  Who does the filling? Love does the filling and I don’t have to know who or how.  Afterwards, I find that the world did not change.  But my response to situations did change.  I forgive.  Accept. Listen better.  Try to be part of the solution and not the problem.  That emptiness is elevated, transformed.  None of it is done on my own will-power.  

1 comment:

  1. I love this and am so thankful that your blog is in my toolkit for life. With hugs and gratitude across the miles! :)
