Friday, December 27, 2024

By Chance

When someone, even an atheist, says that something happened by luck or by chance, it is not just a lucky break, a chance happening or even a coincidence.  It is God, The Higher Power, that is acting anonymously in their life.  Since God does not mind being anonymous, not recognized, why should we when doing something good for another person or group?  Maybe we need a new group called “Esteem Anonymous” for all those people who are addicted to getting lots of recognition and spotlight for their “good works.” 


  1. One of my favorite things is doing something kind without getting 'caught'! My dad taught me versions of that...say you go & visit your parents and when you leave you find the gas tank and windshield wiper fluid are topped off...oh, that's where he disappeared to while we were doing dishes!

    1. I will try to be more like your Dad today

    2. Reading this just made my heart smile, thank you for taking the time to write that. I would love to share that with my Dad! Hope that is ok? ❤️

  2. Just an example, to me, of God working though people since he resides within all of us. ❤️

  3. The closest I get to that is when a Parishioner talks to me after Mass and compliments me on my reading.. I am happy to know that I have done a good job.
