Wednesday, December 11, 2024

On Hold

 It seems very annoying to be “put on hold” when we are trying to get something done with one agency or another.  I have a land line in my room, so if I am going to try to work with some agency on an issue I usually call on the land line on speaker. Then I can use my cell phone for something else or walk around the room or do whatever for the many minutes that I am on hold. But prayer is a lot like being put on hold.  God does not seem to give an instant response.  “Are you still there God?”  I feel some early connection as I move into my prayer and then…what?  I am on hold.  But don’t do something else.  Just wait patiently, longingly.  God is at work.  God seems anything but quick in my prayer.  So in this age of instant communication on smartphones, I have to wait on God in the time and true old fashion way, God’s way.  The spiritual life is not connected with the internet.  


  1. I love this and the visuals, thank you! 💕

  2. Well, yes, It is a good thing to be waiting in God's way
