Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Between

 I often hear people say, “Between God and me or God and the soul.”  This is an image of two persons with a between.  But God is not a person, nor is a Higher Power a person.  As Julian of Norwich says, “between God and the soul, there is no between.”  All is One.  Too often our spiritual practice is done “remotely.”  God is always present, always coming.  It is ourself who is absent from the scene of prayer.  We feel absence or distance.  We blame God when in fact it is us who don’t show up.  We at that moment are not showing up to ourself, our true self.  Fears and fantasies can fill the space we have tried to create.  Stay in the present and not the past or future.  Don’t get too far ahead into next year without getting into the next or present moment.  


  1. Thank you for this, Father Ryan - I love it. Happy New Years Eve! 🌌
