Monday, March 10, 2025


We come from water if you view the early wisdom of humans when the Bible Genesis story was first told.  There is no rain, and the earth is dry.  Then there comes a stream welling up out of the earth.  It waters the earth. And so now we have clay that can be molded and held together.  The Creator makes us out of this clay.  So we originate with water.  Hydrate, and not with alcohol which just dries one out.  And mediate.  Why?  Well, first comes the wet clay.  Then the breath of life is blown into us.  Drink water and meditate to let your original breath pace take over.  You will more likely have less stress, fear, anxiety and other bad things that come with not enough water and not enough spiritual practice.   

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Water Ad Spirit

 If you look at Genesis Creation story you can see some real wisdom of humans a long time ago before all the modern science and development.  In the Garden of Eden there is a tree of life.  That is, life comes from a tree.  If you want life to continue then you have to have trees.  Cut down all the trees and you won’t have life.  Science says pretty much the same thing today.  We are all of a single piece.  Trees are part of our life breath.  As for breath, this comes from Spirit, or in Genesis, from the creator.  So meditation is when we focus on slowing down our breath to a more original, “normal” pace, instead of the hyperventilation of fear and anxiety of modern busy life.  So meditate and don’t cut down all the trees.  And things will go better for us all.  

Saturday, March 8, 2025


 I have heard the phrase, “When in doubt, do without.”  If you are addicted to something, it is best to stay away from anything that has even a wee bit of the ingredient.  If you have doubts, do without.  I try to do this with exercise.  If it does not feel right, then I stop, postpone, rest…that is anything but bull-head my way through a pain.  A day away is not going to end my life.  I won’t go to surgery because I rested too much.  

Friday, March 7, 2025

A Sign

 The possible sign that your life has become unmanageable is when you tell yourself, “the next time it will be different.”  The next time is not different, but rather worse.  Someone who runs and has an injury that requires rest and rehab, says to themself, in denial, tomorrow it won’t be so bad.  Tomorrow it is worse and the injury becomes more difficult to heal.  Alcoholics know this pattern when it comes to their drinking.  They deny there is a problem.  The next time it will be better behavior.  But it is not.  Sometimes, we have to reach utter defeat before we will admit that we cannot go on as we have been living.  My running does not get better if I run on an injury.  How do I know?  it gets worse.  

Thursday, March 6, 2025


 Lent is a time of fasting for some religions.  Well, AA is not a religion, but its members fast too.  From what?  From being too busy for a newcomer.  When someone comes into the room for the first time or first few times, they are yoked to alcohol or some other substance.  They lack sustaining friendship.  They are lonely and marginalized.  They lack a sense of dignity and hope.  They need to be noticed and heard.  This takes time.  Someone with sobriety does not rush out of the room to get onto the next busy thing.  They stay and walk up to the newcomer and welcome them, give their name and offer a phone number.  Now do church people, who believe in a God do this for the newcomer?  Generally, church people just talk to people they know.  The stranger is ignored.  The atheist and agnostic welcomes newcomers, but the believers do not.  May Lent be a time to fast from preoccupation with self.  

Little Children

 As we begin Lent, think about toddlers.  They can be fickle, stubborn and possessive as someone reminds me.  Why get upset?  Are we adults not often just the same at times?  As a Higher Power, or God has compassion on our ways, so we need to have compassion.  When Jesus said, “Let the children come to me,” we think of nice sweet child in first grade.  Forget it.  The child that came to Jesus might very well be one of those toddlers who squirmed in his arms and pushed on his face to be let go.  He was reminding his listeners to be patient and compassionate with people who are recalcitrant.  In Recovery Programs I am glad that people are alive at all, rather than judge them for not being the way I want or prefer or think they “oughta be.”  

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


 In Old English, the word “Lent” means Spring.  Spring is a time for new life.  That which was dormant or seems dead, comes to life with new buds at first.  This is in our Hemisphere.  In my church we have ashes which we bless with the holy water in which members were all baptized at one time.  Anyone can get ashes on this day.  It is a calling to review or renew our life.  What needs change or upgrading or restoring?  How can we be of service to others who might be suffering?  Atheists and Agnostics in Recovery Programs practice a lent all year.  It is called the Twelve Steps.  Christian Lent is 40 days.  Recovery Lent is 365.  Go get some ashes today.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Never Too Young

 I was talking to first graders one morning.  We talking about becoming your best self.  Now, getting an “A” or “100%” or “Excellent” on your work might make you feel you are at your best.  I told them about the St. Francis Prayer.  They are taught to memorize the “Our Father” and “Hail Mary,” but not the St. Francis Prayer.  So I quoted a few lines and said that getting a good grade on spelling and reading was only part of becoming your best self.  It uses the head, but the St. Francis Prayer uses the heart.  We become our best when we are concerned about another person and what they need.  Our behavior affects those around us.  If they are sad, do we ignore them or try to bring them some joy.  Maybe just listening can bring joy to another person.  I am not sure any one was paying attention.  Keeps me humble.  

Monday, March 3, 2025


 Most of us don’t think we are all that self-centered or controlling.  When we are such, but think we are not, it is called, “blindly self-centered.”  A way to check out our level of self-centeredness is to read and think about the St. Francis Prayer.  It is a favorite of people in recovery Programs.  They have come, through surrender, to the realization that they are all about themselves.  The St. Francis Prayer is a real jolt to people who want “more” of control, power, esteem.  Some people are so thick that they think by drinking more they will get more power and control.  But check your own inventory.  If the St. Francis Prayer jolts or embarrasses you about your own focus and behavior, than you might need a spiritual healing.  

Sunday, March 2, 2025


 Sometimes you might feel like you can do anything, feelings akin to omnipotence.  You might not be so aware of omnipotence as you are aware of wanting unlimited control and self-power.  You want more control.  To get that you need more power.  And so it goes.  This diminishes belief in any other power greater than you.  Not much use for a god or higher power.  If you don’t really have the control you want, and don’t become realistic about it, you create a scenario with you all powerful.  Alcohol is a great creator for becoming our own god.  You can drive drunk.  You can do rather unsafe other things, physical things.  You break your body, get DUIs and so on.  These are not solutions to giving up omnipotence.  Only surrender will do it.  Some would rather die first, and they do.  Today, I will try to accept my limitations, that is, I am a human being, not a god.  

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Little Is Big In Small Size

In the Bible, this fellow Simeon is promised that before he dies he will see the Messiah, the King, who will fix all the mess, before Simeon dies.  Well, wouldn’t Simeon expect to see something quite grand and spectacular?  I suspect so, but what he saw was an ordinary baby with ordinary and poor parents.  Yet, Simeon believed that there was something grand in this small package.  And there is.  How big is an engagement ring?  Yet it is very grand and important.  How big is one more day sober for an addict? And yet it is very big.  Things don’t always look or feel important, that are very important.  So let us celebrate our great littleness.  And hello to March.